<h3>一、学部活动</h3><h3>1. 4月5日,剑桥部全体学生参加学校组织的生活体验课。在老师的带领下,学生化身小厨师,学习制作各色各样的美食,有美味可口的磨牙饼干,也有色香味俱全的彩椒虾仁。吃着自己烹制的美食,大家都感到无比幸福。</h3><h3>1. Day 3, Cambridge Department students attended a cookery course. With the help of teachers, all the students became cooks to make food. They learnt to make delicious biscutes and fried shrimps with peppers. All the students felt very happy when they enjoyed the food they made by themselves.</h3> <h3>2. 4月8日,剑桥部全体学生参加学校游泳课程。进入泳池的孩子们简直如鱼得水,仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳统统不在话下。 游泳不仅让学生的课程更加丰富,也让他们身心得到放松。</h3><h3>2. Day 6 Cambridge Department students had a swimming class. Everyone swam like a fish in the pool. many of them acquired different swimmimg skills, for example back stroke, breast stroke and free stroke. Swimming not only made our courses more varied, but also it's good exercise!</h3> <h3>3. 4月9号,为预防火灾和保护人身安全,剑桥部统一组织消防演练。在演练中,学生充分运用课堂上所学的消防知识,快速有序地撤离火灾现场,到达安全地段。</h3><h3>3. Day 7, to prevent fire and protect personal safety, Cambridge Department held a fire drill. By using fire evacuation skills,everyone withdrew from the burning building very quickly and safely.</h3> <h3>4. 4月10日,剑桥部全体师生浩浩荡荡来到杭州极地海洋公园开始一天的春游活动。各种可爱的海洋动物和精彩的演出赢得学生们的阵阵尖叫。</h3><h3>4. Day 8,Cambridge Department went to Hangzhou Ocean Park for spring outgoing. Many kinds of animals and wonderful performances made them very excited.</h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>5. 4月11日,剑桥部第二届达人秀如火如荼地开展。选手们带来钢琴演奏、舞蹈、魔术等精彩表演。经过层层选拔,最终有四组选手获得达人称号,祝贺他们。</h3><h3>5. Day 9, the Second Cambridge Talent Show was held in the circle hall. The participants gave their best show to all the students. For example playing pianos and violin, dancing and magic show. Finally, 4 teams were awarded the title of Star Talent. Congratuations!</h3> <h3>6. 本大周,中外各教研组都组织开设公开课,交流教学方法和心得。尤其是外方新颖的教学理念和轻松活跃的课堂氛围,给中教留下了深刻印象。</h3><h3>6.This week, Chinese teachers and Foreign teachers organized demonstrations. The way foreign teachers taught and the active atmosphere impressed all the Chinese teachers.</h3> <h3>二、荣誉之星</h3><h3>明星学生: Hugh</h3><h3>阅读之星:Peter</h3><h3>三项技能之星: Sara</h3><h3>三、其他事项: </h3><h3>1.放假期间,请各位家长切实加强孩子的安全教育与管理,尽量避开人流量多的公众场所,安全出行。</h3><h3>2.积极利用假期时间阅读课外书籍,每天保证有一小时以上的阅读时间,培养孩子的阅读兴趣,认真做好读书笔记和学习心得,过一个真正健康、有意义的假期。 </h3><h3>3.放假期间,请各位家长督促孩子在家完成各科作业,不要将家庭作业变成返校作业,尤其请注意孩子的iPad使用情况。</h3><h3>4.天气转热,请各位家长适当携带春夏衣物。</h3><h3>5.本次假期共4天,返校日为4月18日,下大周在校时间为8天。请各位家长提醒孩子穿好校服备齐必需品准时到校。请不要携带碳酸饮料、薯片等不健康食品来校,可适量携带牛奶、面包、水果。 </h3><h3> Other matters:</h3><h3>1. During the holiday, parents are invited to strengthen their children's safety education and management, and try to avoid public places with high traffic and safe travel.</h3><h3>2. Actively use vacation time to read extracurricular books, make sure you have more than one hour reading time, cultivate children's reading interest, reading notes earnestly and learning experience, have a truly healthy and meaningful holiday.</h3><h3>3. During the holiday, please urge your children to finish their homework at home, and do not turn homework into back-to-school work, especially the children's iPad usage.</h3><h3>Please bring spring and summer clothes from your parents.</h3><h3>5. This holiday is 4 days, and the homecoming day is April 18th. Please remind the children to wear uniform to get to school on time. Please do not bring any unhealthy food, such as carbonated drinks and chips, and carry milk, bread and fruit in moderation.</h3>